Don’t dim your shine for NOBODY, let it SHINE
Being a Sad B**** Got Old
Who Am I?
I’m just a girl who works in Human Resources who wants to help others love themselves and go on a healing journey of their own. I’ve struggled with mental health my whole life and I thought that getting on antidepressants and seeing a counselor were all I needed to combat it. WRONG. I had the victim mentality that the world owed me something and that I needed certain things to be happy. Once I figured out that my happiness was in my hands the whole time, I felt pretty silly for allowing myself to be sad for so long. I 100% understand that life is tough and sometimes you just need to be sad, I support that and be sad for a season but make sure it is just a season and you pull yourself out of it. Ain’t nobody comin’ to save ya babe, SAVE YA DAMN SELF!
Why This Exists
Listen, I’m not an expert. I am just here to tell ya that if you are going through it, you aren’t alone, we’ve all been there. Just don’t give up on yourself, YOU CAN SAVE YOURSELF! Start by shifting your thinking and actions to being the person that you needed when you were a child to feel safe.
Do you feel like anxiety rules your life and you don’t want to get out of bed because you are too sad or you feel like something terrible is going to happen that you don’t have a plan for? Yeahhhh, I feel ya. Mama said there would be days like that, BUT the important thing to remember is that a new day is coming and just because you are a sad b**** today, doesn’t mean you can’t go right back to being a BAD B**** tomorrow!
In my early 20s (shit, even my late 20s) I reallyyyy lacked in the self esteem and respect department. I relied way too much on other people to make me happy and it got me into some less than ideal situations BUT once I started shifting my thinking, my life changed for the better and we flash forward to now and I am in the healthiest relationship of my life and I feel like my life gets better each day. The best part about it, I am learning to love myself more and more.
First Thing’s First
The first thing you have to do when it comes to healing, is un learn everything you thought you knew about life in general and start f***ing meditating AT LEAST once per day.